persian silk rug

Hand-woven persian silk rug can be considered as one of the most exquisite and valuable manifestations of authentic Iranian art, which has a worldwide reputation. When it comes to silk rug s, the first thing that may subconsciously come to our mind is its high price and luxury, which has made this type of carpet to be welcomed not only for its quality and elegance, but also as a future investment. go up

In this article we intend to check all aspects of handwoven silk rug for you, from its most important features and types to knowing the right place for its use and the type of washing and maintenance, so we recommend that if you intend to Buy or know this type of carpet and stay with us until the end.

Knowledge of handmade persian silk rug

When you talk about the recognition and introduction of a product and work, it is necessary to state all the things that are necessary for it in detail.

In the case of hand-woven silk rug s, this knowledge depends on such things as rug weaving skills.Handmade rug map, the location of the rug texture, age, fibers, number of knots, color and size.

The knowledge of this rug is so important that even its foreign buyers are willing to travel to Iran in person to be able to observe the stages of its weaving up close, let’s not forget that the silk rug is one of the most important types of Iranian rug s that are exported to other parts of the world. Be issued.

iran handicrafts

Is persian silk rug suitable for me to buy?

Before any choice and purchase regarding your handmade silk rug , you should pay attention to whether this purchase and this type of rug is suitable for you.

In general, people who buy silk rug s have two points of view for this, the first category is specifically looking for art, originality and beauty and they don’t pay much attention to its material content.

If you are among this group of people, we need to listen to you that buying very fine silk rug s is not a good option for you, because you are going to use this type of carpet as a floor carpet, and this makes That your carpet will be stepped on a lot and the amount of dirtiness will increase, and with that, your carpet will need to be washed a lot. If your carpet is very fine, it will lose its quality after a while.

Some people have made the main purpose of their purchase of handwoven silk rug s investment, and they attach great importance to this issue. For these people, we should recommend that:

In today’s economic conditions, this work can be considered a very suitable option, the hand-woven silk carpet is generally considered an exquisite work that does not decrease with currency fluctuations, its price and value, just like houses and gold.

Important note

The issue that we emphasize to the people who are in the second category is that:

Since your goal is to invest, you should try your best to preserve and maintain your handwoven silk carpet, therefore carpet panels can be considered the best option for this, so that you can use its beauty and elegance. Do and enjoy and use it for investment.

suggest : iran gabbeh

suggest : persian rugs

Benefits of handwoven persian silk rug

In the continuation of the examination of the recognition of handwoven silk carpet, we try to introduce the most important features and advantages of this type of carpet to you in headlines:

  • High beauty and attractiveness is the first characteristic of this carpet.
  • Due to its thinness and small diameter, it is very delicate, light and soft. (relative to its dimensions)
  • It has a unique luster and shine.
  • Unlike many carpets, it has very few piles, which has made this carpet not sensitive.
  • Among the machine and hand woven carpets, it is one of the resistant options in terms of washing and maintaining quality.
  • Silk thread is obtained from the silkworm cocoon, which shows the naturalness of the work.
  • In addition to being light, it has several times the strength and resistance of wool and cotton threads, which is one of the main advantages of handwoven silk carpet that makes it unique.
  • Compared to the woolen carpet, it has a much higher number of rows, which is due to the thinness of the silk thread.
  • One of the reasons for the higher price of these carpets is their high index of 65.
  • The color and glaze that silk thread uses is very beautiful and eye-catching.
  • The color spectrum of handwoven silk carpet is wonderful and only by changing your viewing angle, the color spectrum changes and you see it in different colors.
  • Silk can also be used to highlight the design and pattern, that is why the silk yarn seems to have a lower height than wool and yarn, but after it is woven, you can see the carpet in a prominent way. .
  • Consider high quality as the most important and main advantage of handwoven silk carpet.

How to wash persian silk rug

In general, before buying a handwoven silk rug, we should know how to maintain and wash it, to avoid doing wrong things that cause the quality of the carpet to go down.

Before anything else, let’s point out that many people face the problem of the color returning to the carpet when washing the carpet, so let’s point out that this is an indication of the quality of your work, you will be very comfortable. You can draw a wet white cloth over the bold parts of your carpet workHigh quality rug Recognize.

It should be very careful that silk fibers are very sensitive and delicate and do not have much resistance to chemicals and react quickly, that’s why:

It is better not to use chemical cleaners to wash the handmade silk carpet. Fading and blurring of color, holes, weakening of fibers and changing the texture of the carpet are among the damages that chemicals can cause to the carpet.

Remember not to leave a silk carpet to be washed anywhere without your knowledge, because if you don’t have proper skills, they may cause your carpet to be destroyed and damaged.persian carpet

Types of handmade silk carpets

Since Iran can definitely be recognized as the world’s largest producer of silk carpets, so there must be different brands and cities involved in the production of these carpets, which are weaving different models, here we tried to Let us briefly introduce the most types of handwoven silk carpets to you.persian carpet

Isfahan silk rug

Isfahan, a city that became the center of carpet weaving in Iran during the Safavid period, Shah Abbas, by building carpet weaving workshops, caused the production and weaving of carpets in this city to grow tremendously, so that it continues.

The main features and characteristics of the handwoven silk carpet of this city are short piles, fine and delicate texture up to 90 Rajshmar, special patterns such as ancient works, the use of kandil instead of the top of the carpet and the vertical dar.

Qom silk handwoven rug

Among the mentioned carpets, the hand-woven Qom silk carpet can be considered as an acquired exampleModern handmade carpetintroduced, because it is less old than other cities in this matter.

But it is interesting to know that the designs and colors used in the Qom carpet have a very high variety and extent, while maybe at the beginning designs such as Shah Abbasi’s tangerine, Shikargah, etc. were considered as the pattern of the handwoven Qom silk carpet, but With the passage of time, this city grew significantly and was able to create great changes even in the Iranian carpet industry.

Kashan silk rug

There may be few people who have not heard the name of Kashan carpet, not only Iran, but the products of this city have world fame and are known in many countries of the world.

One of the main characteristics of Kashan silk handwoven carpets can be introduced to their high coherence and strength at the same time as softness, which are generally woven in flower, bate and central bergamot motifs.

Tabriz persian silk rug

And at the end of the work, we come to a city whose hand-woven silk carpet is known for its special design and unique samples.

The main texture of Tabriz carpets is basically either silk or wool, but usually silk or cotton is used for tufting. The variety in the texture of the carpets of this city is very evident, but in terms of colors, “red and blue with a cream background” is the main color for the texture of Tabriz silk handwoven carpets.

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